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A V-day post, of course.

I know this post is a few days early. But you’ll see why… momentarily. Hahaha.

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And nope. This is not another “oh my gosh, I’m single and it’s Valentine’s Day and couples make me barf and I’m alone and life sucks” post. You’re welcome.

(Mostly because being alone isn’t always the worst thing in the world. Cue me dancing around my room to “Single Ladies.” Feel free to join in, my sistas. And brothers? Whatever floats your boat.)

ANYWAY. Guess what. I’m about to do you a huuuuge favor. Stuck on what to get someone for V-day? I always sucked at that. Each year, I felt like I gave the lamest, most unoriginal gifts. Seriously.

So, I asked some people what they’d like to get. This isn’t just what they want from a boyfriend or girlfriend — it could be from a neighbor, best friend, RA, parent, sibling. Anyone. Because that’s what Valentine’s Day is about, right? It’s not just about showing your love to the person you happen to be dating at the time. It’s showing your love to everyone. So here you go — seven gift ideas. (Oh hey, lucky seven! Wooo!)

1. A bangin’ playlist. I’m always searching for new music, and I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one. (Well, I know I’m not, because two of my friends gave me this idea when we talked about it at lunch today.) Give your friends a playlist to get them through winter, like my friend Jordan did. (Told you I’d link to it, didn’t I?)
2. A phone call. If someone you love is far away, call them and tell them you’re thinking about them. I’m guilty of choosing to text people instead of calling them, but phone calls (if you do them right) involve giving that person your full, undivided attention. Which is pretty dang sweet.
3. Jewelry.
Necklaces and bracelets aren’t cliché and standard if you know the person you’re buying for is into that.
4. Chocolate. Everyone does this. Who cares? Chocolate is awesome.  I love Kit Kats and got a big bag of them last year. It was awesome. And a little fattening. Find out your sweetheart’s favorite candy and run with it.
5. A long-distance video message. Get goofy. Your brother, sister or best friends lives far away and is incredibly busy? (Hellooo, welcome to my life.) Leave them a ridiculous video on their Facebook wall. Who cares if other people will see it and think you’re a complete nutjob?
6. A homemade Valentine. Remember those adorable Valentine’s you’d pass out in elementary school? Make your own. Be creative! Make it as over-the-top or as simple as your sweetheart would like. (Confession: I only actually read the ones from my friends and the boy I liked. I just took the candy off the rest and threw them back in my bag. Oops?)
7. Flowers. Not necessarily roses. If you’re shopping for a girl, find out what her favorite flower and get it for her. And don’t just get her the kind she’ll put in a vase and watch die for a week — buy her an actual plant.

Now what I know you’re all wondering what my ideal gift would be. (Since each one of you wants to be my Valentine, right? Right.)

Books. I’m not even joking. Poetry, short stories, novels, plays, anything. I freaking love it all. Seriously, show up at my door with a collection of Ralph Waldo Emerson poems and I’ll probably die of happiness.

So there you have it. Still shopping or crafting? Good luck!

(Thanks to all the girls I talked to who gave me these ideas! You’re the best!)

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